Are you looking to strike big in the mining world? Want all the money in a LEGAL fashion? Mining might just be for you! Mining is a legal activity that consists of mining dirt and gems, refining them into ore, and selling them for profit.
Getting Started
To get started with Mining, you will need to head over to the Quarry. This is located off to the right of Sandy Shores and can be found with the following GPS Marker:
To mine, you will also need to purchase some equipment. These can be found from the miner near the start of the Quarry.
The Process
As you mine, you will passively find either paydirt or uncut gems. Both of these items have a separate weight requirement - you can continue mining despite not having the inventory space required, but you will not pick the paydirt or gems up.
Paydirt requires additional processing before it is ready to sell. You will have to take the paydirt to the refined point, which can be found with this icon:
At this location, you can wash your paydirt into different ores - the likelihood of ores dropping varies based on their rarity. Here are all the ores that can drop:
- Coal
- Copper
- Tin
- Iron
- Silver
- Gold Nugget
- Runite
Once you've converted all of your paydirt into the various ores, you can sell these at the refinery in Los Santos. This is located at the icon here:
The money you receive from selling your ores will go straight into your bank account.
There is a chance to discover uncut gems in place of paydirt while mining. Similar to ores, these also have unique rarity values.
Here is a list of all the Gems that can be discovered:
- Emerald
- Ruby
- Sapphire
- Diamond
Gems are ready to sell as soon as they are mined. You can sell these at any pawn shop on the map as indicated by the dollar icon.
Ore Smelting
If you've collected your ores, you can smelt your ores into certain kinds of bars. This can be done at the refinery, where you will meet with the guy who smelts them for you. He can present you with a list of recipes that you will need to convert your ores into bars. You will be able to convert your ores into Gold, Silver, Brass, or Copper bars based on the ores you have.
Each bar will take two ores to create, and the resulting gold bar will be the weight of the two ores added together. These bars can be sold at Vangelico for market price, which can fluctuate. sold.