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Selling Logic



How to sell? 

Locals will sometimes want to buy your drugs. Walk up to them and attempt to talk to them and sell your drugs. Be warned.weary; Sometimessometimes they will call the cops on you. AlwaysKeep bewatch, onkeep thesteady, lookoutand fordon't theget cops.caught!

Hot zones

Hot zones are red circles that show up on your map when you have a certain device for your phone and change from time to Inside these hot zones, you have anthe increasedopportunity salesto chancemake alongmore withmoney anper increasedsale salesand count.for locals to be more likely to purchase your goods. 

Cop Multiplier 

Drugs will sell for less to locals when there are no cops clocked in. The more cops clocked in, the more your drugs will sell for, but the more risky it is. ItPolice presence also increases your chances of gaining group reputation chances.while selling.