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Roleplay Terms

So your new to RP yeah and your hearing all this new terminology you never heard before, you might be stuck thinking is RP really for me? Or, what the hell are all these fancy dancy words? Well we thought of that too and decided you shall be stuck no longer! Keep this is a pointer for whenever your stuck and lets deep dive into some of the most frequently used RP terms!

Local - Locals are the NPCs/AI you will find across the map (these are not real people)!

Danny - Danny's are new players in the server who have not changed their default outfit and/or act in non roleplay like ways.

City - City literally just means Server

Headpop - When your game crashes forcing you to leave an RP scene (if this happens re-join the server immediately).

Flex Muscle/Jiggle - Flexing muscles or Jiggling Keys are people telling you what to press on your keyboard in order to do something "flex k to search your pockets".

Discordia - Discordia is a fancy name for Discord in HighLife.

Government Website - The government website can be referred to as or HighLife's discord server

In Head - In head usually means the person is AFK, this can also be referred to as talking about events outside of the server such as "I was writing something in head"

Eyes - Eyes is your monitor/screen, for example if you crash into someone on their screen but not on yours you would say "I didn't crash in my eyes".

GSW - Gun Shot Wound, this is when your shot your GSW would be where you where shot.

GSR - Gunshot Residue is what is left on you after firing a weapon and is tested when your related in firearm activities.

ICU - Intensive Care Unit, you are only sent here if a civilian EMT treats you, you can be sent to Pillbox, Sandy Shores Medical Centre or Paleto Bay Medical Centre.

MVA - Motor Vehicle Accident, when you crash into another car.

Import - Importing resources/scripts into the server like cars and features, you would say they got imported from a cargo ship for example.

Bronze/Silver/Gold/Diamond Ticket - Supporter Packages which have been purchased by the player, you will commonly hear this at places like D8 and when buying vehicles.

Wizard - Wizards are referred to as exploiters/cheaters/hackers who are doing stuff which you cannot do normally, so literally just cheating.

Voicebox - Voicebox is your microphone, you can adjust the volume/speaking distance by pressing "H" or "INSERT" in vehicles.

Pockets/Wallet - Your pockets/wallet is your inventory, you would say, oh I have a phone in my pockets.

Roley Poley - Roley Poley typically referred to as Roleplay in the city, if someone did FailRP you would say they weren't very got at Roley Poley.

Government Law - Government Law is the servers rules which must be followed at all times!

Government Official - Government Officials are server staff.

Think about it - When your asked to think hard about something this is an indication to use /me to express it. This will show a text box above your head, this is typically used in MedRP and when your in a whitelist position.

Government ID/Lucky Numbers - Government ID or Lucky Numbers is what is above your heard when you press "Z"

Take a flight/nap - Taking a flight or a nap is logging out of the server, you are going off for the night or need to take a quick flight to fix issues like bugs etc.

Deported/Sent on Vacation - Being deported or sent on vacation is terminology for being banned or kicked from the server.