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Department of Justice


The Department of Justice is here to represent the people of Los Santos. We specialize in all forms of law, and our trained attorneys are ready to fight for you no matter the case. We offer all terms of legal aid as well as additional admin services and legal documentation. Has someone ripped you off? Insulted your name? Defamed your character? Maybe been charged for something you didn't do by an officer of the law? We're here to help, with our experts in the field, you can sleep easy at night knowing someone is on the case. The department's primary purpose is to serve and protect the citizens of Los Santos, whether that be regarding:

  • Public Representation - Have you been arrested unfairly and need someone to fight your corner? Exercise your right to ask for a lawyer, and one will be on the way to represent you, free of charge and with a guaranteed reduction in time and/or fine! 
  • Administrative Services - Need to transfer a vehicle, get a business permit written up, sort an event permit, maybe require a gambling permit? Our lawyers are here for all of your official paperwork, to make sure it is signed, sealed, and delivered with the utmost professionalism.
  • Private Civil matters - Purchased a vehicle advertised incorrectly? Maybe had a dispute with a neighbour over where the boundaries end? Reach out to our specialized team of Private Attorneys who can help you in a personalized manner.
  • Court Representation - Need to take someone to court, to sue them or get justice for a criminal wrongdoing? Our lawyers are ready to represent you, be you plaintiff or defendant, and our skilled judges are there to make sure justice is served.
  • Ability to have a choice - The Department of Justice has multiple Law Firms to choose from, specializing in areas to suit your needs. Caponi Law, specializes in cases involving Law Enforcement and helping businesses stay operational. The District Attorney's Office is integral to the prosecution and defense of the Police Departments within the city. Reach out to their respective Partners for more information!

City Laws: Public Charges

Review Court

The Court of Review is a process that may happen when someone is being arrested by the Police. During Review Court, the attorney for the defendant and the officer in the situation will both present an argument regarding any charge(s) the defendant may be challenging and think are not correct. After both sides present their argument and potential evidence (if permitted), the Review Judge will deliberate for a short period of time and issue a decision, including, but not limited to: Removing a charge, offering a higher discount than the regular 20% on time and fine, or taking no action at all.

Lawsuit Process

What is a lawsuit?
A civil lawsuit is a lawsuit between two parties, for example, John Doe vs. Los Santos Police Department. Once a lawsuit is submitted via the case submission form, it is sent into the pipeline of cases and will be reviewed by the Attorney Generals. Upon its review, it will either be accepted or denied. If it is accepted, then it will become available to Private Attorneys (Private Defender+) to take on and represent a side in. The private attorney assigned to the case will then reach out to the party they are representing to discuss this case. The attorney may utilize a wide variation of documents throughout the case, including, but not limited to: Subpoenas, Summons, Motions, and Discovery.

What happens during the trial?
Once a case has made it to a trial period, there is a set procedure for how the event will proceed, which is utilized in every trial, whether it be a bench trial (presided and judged by the judge) or a jury trial (presided by a judge but decided by a jury.) The process is as follows;

Pre-Trial Motions (Motions to Suppress, or general points of order)
Opening Statements (Starting with the plaintiff, then the defendant)
Plaintiff Presentation of Evidence (The plaintiff will introduce the court to all of their evidence and call upon witnesses, where they will engage in Direct Examination, and the opposing side will then have the opportunity to engage in Cross Examination, with the ability for a Re-Direct and Re-Cross.)
Defense Presentation of Evidence (The defense will introduce the court to all of their evidence and call upon witnesses, where they will engage in Direct Examination, and the opposing side will then have the opportunity to engage in Cross Examination, with the ability for a Re-Direct and Re-Cross.)
Closing Statements (Starting with the plaintiff, then the defense, with the plaintiff having an opportunity to potentially rebuttal)
Decision (Either the judge or jury will deliberate for a period of time, and then deliver the verdict and sentencing, if in a criminal trial.)


We are always looking for individuals looking to start their careers in the legal profession. Please remember to really sell yourself in your application and why you want to work for us.

  • You MUST be 16 Years old or over to apply
  • You MUST have over 40 hours in the city
  • You MUST not have any recent bans on record

Apply here!

Contact us today!

Have a complaint? You can file any complaints with the DOJ here!